Annual General Meeting

Manitoba Home Economics Teachers’ Association

Minutes Agenda for May 16th, 2019 

Minute checkers:  Sheila Stark-Perreault

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Maya Radunz.

  1. Call to Order

7:10 pm

  1. Additions to the Agenda 

    1. Motion to adopt the agenda - Julie Koch.

    2. Seconder: Carmen Sichewski.

  1. Presentation of Minutes from May 9th, 2018

    1. Motion to adopt the minutes from May 9th, 2018 - Erin Ward.

    2. Seconder: Sheila Stark-Perreault.        carried

  1. Financial Report –was given by treasurer Maxine Chamish

See Financial Report

    1. Motion to approve the financial report as presented - Erin Ward.

    2. Seconder: Julie Koch.                   carried

  1. Proposed Slate of officers for 2019-2020

President – 

President Elect - 

Treasurer – Maxine Chamish will let her name stand

Secretary Lana Hagberg

Website Julie Koch lets her name stand 

Social Media - Julie Koch lets her name stand

SAGE Council RepCarmen Sichewski will let her name stand

Professional & Academic Liaison - 

Professional Development - 

Membership – 

Special Projects – 

Student LiaisonVictoria Wojicowski Wojakowski

MTS PD Day Chairs Carmen Sichewski and Maxine Chamish will let their name stand

Recruitment notice will be sent out to MHETA members to fill executive.

  1. Maya did a second call for Nominations for MHETA Executive & MHETA Committees for 2019-2012

  1. Elections

    1. Motion to approve the proposed slate of officers for 2019-2020: Julie Koch.

    2. Seconder: Sheila Stark-Perreault.

    3. Maya did the Presentation of 2019-2020 MHETA Executive & MHETA Co mittees for 2019-2020-with the stipulation that a call out to members through our media sources will be sent so our positions can be filled in order for our board to effectively run on behalf of our members.

  1. Other Business

    1. MHETA’s Clothing and Textiles Summer Institute: No need to continue for 2019 as the U of M has two course offerings for middle and senior years Clothing, Textiles, and Design

    1. MHETA’s Professional Development Bursary Program: Motion to approve continuation of committing up to $2000/year to members PD endeavours names of those who motioned needed

  • Sheila Stark-Perreault receivesd the bursary to attend the for Vancouver Canadian Home Economics Educators Symposium in February 2019

  1. Maya adjourned the agm at Adjournment: 7:31 pm this was proceeded by our keynote speaker from Reclaim Mending.